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Holistic healing for arthritis

Holistic Healing for Arthritis – Healing Talks with Dharna Vasavda

Arthritis is a widespread physical health problem faced by many people globally, especially older individuals. Alongside conventional treatment, holistic healing is gaining traction as a way to manage arthritis or alleviate its symptoms. We have the opportunity to speak with Dharna Vasavda, an Ahmedabad-based energy healer who has successfully healed various arthritis cases. In this conversation with Dharna, we will explore the root cause of arthritis from a holistic healing perspective and how it can be addressed using energy healing modalities.

Archana: Hi Dharna, thank you for joining us to shed light on holistic healing for arthritis. This will surely help our readers gain a better understanding of it.
Dharna: Thanks, Archana, for inviting me. I’ll do my best to assist people on their healing journeys.

Dharna Vasavda - Holistic Healer for Arthritis in Ahmedabad, India
Dharna Vasavda - Holistic Healer for Arthritis in Ahmedabad, India

Archana: Let me start with a basic question – what exactly is arthritis from a holistic healing perspective?
Dharna: As a healer, I view disease beyond just physical factors. I consider emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects as well. All of these aspects can be interconnected, or one aspect might be more dominant in causing arthritis. From a physical standpoint, arthritis can occur when antibodies in the immune system, which normally fight germs, attack the lining of our joints, causing pain, swelling, inflammation, and limited mobility.

From an energy standpoint, it can happen due to congestion in the energy centres, also known as chakras in Sanskrit.

From a psychological standpoint and according to Louise L. Hay, the author of the bestseller book “You Can Heal Your Life,” arthritis is primarily caused by harbouring criticism, resentment, or feelings of being unloved. I’ve observed a pattern in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. They often struggle with pent-up or suppressed emotions, such as anger and a lack of forgiveness. Over time, this may lead to calcium deposits in the body, especially in the joints, ultimately manifesting as joint disease. 

From a spiritual standpoint, it could be due to karmic conditions or lessons we haven’t learned.

Know more About Dharna

Visit Dharna’s profile for testimonials, fees, and learn more about her unique healing journey.

Archana: So, when a patient with arthritis comes to you, how do you identify the root cause, and what exactly is the process for holistic healing for arthritis?

Dharna: We healers don’t interfere with conventional medical care. We advise patients to continue with their medications and stay in touch with their doctors. Energy healing is a complementary treatment that should be taken alongside conventional medical treatment. We primarily focus on healing at the energy level after assessing emotional and mental factors. We try to interact with the patient and listen for any unexpressed emotions, resentment, or feelings of being unloved that might be causing congestion or imbalances in the chakras.

Based on that assessment, we begin the healing process to balance the affected chakras and align them. We use energy healing techniques to break down any suppressed or pent-up emotions that have manifested as energy patterns. When these energy patterns are broken, we can see relief at the physical level gradually. 

From a spiritual perspective, we also suggest that patients perform acts of service, make donations, engage in forgiveness therapy, and try to see the divinity in others. These practices can help neutralize negative karmas that might be contributing to their arthritis.

So, this combined approach constitutes holistic healing for arthritis.

Archana: I see. So, how many sessions of holistic healing for arthritis are typically required to see improvement?
Dharna: The number of sessions varies depending on the individual. Depending on the severity and the patient’s receptivity to the treatment, the healing sessions for arthritis can take 15 days or more. I’ve treated patients who started seeing results after several sessions, while others took a longer time.

Dharna Vasavda - During one of the healing session
Dharna Vasavda - Doing live face to face healing session.

Archana: Can you share a specific case of arthritis that you’ve successfully treated using holistic healing techniques? What was the process like, and what were the results?
Dharna: Absolutely, thank you for the question. I’d like to share the case of a 60-year-old woman who had chronic arthritis for over 10 years. The medication prescribed by her doctor caused side effects, including a weight loss of 10 kgs in just 2 months. That’s when she contacted me, and I successfully performed distance healing on her for about 90 sessions. Right now, she leads a normal life, and this has been the case for more than 3 years. This case is part of one of my published medical research papers and even won the best-presented paper award in 2023.

Archana: In your experience, what do you think is a major contributor to the rise of arthritis in people as young as 30-40 years old?
Dharna: Based on my experience over the past few years, I can say that our overall lifestyle has changed so much. There’s a lack of movement or exercise, which our muscles, joints, and bones desperately need. Sometimes, even people above 80 years old struggle with basic movements. Encouraging them to incorporate light exercises into their daily routines can be a challenge, but it’s a crucial aspect of maintaining joint health.

Dharna Vasavda - Conducting seminar for Women on holistic health

Archana: How do you measure the success of your holistic healing for arthritis? How do your patients typically provide feedback during the healing sessions?
Dharna: Patients experiencing symptoms like difficulty climbing stairs, sitting on the floor, or swelling, pain, and inflammation in their joints often report experiencing improved movement after our sessions. They feel they can sit or walk better than before, and sometimes they even experience a significant reduction in pain. In most cases, after a few healing sessions, many symptoms vanish completely. Seeing them feel happy and satisfied with the results is incredibly rewarding for me. In many cases, we’ve even successfully regenerated muscles using divine energy, which has allowed people to return to their daily lives without limitations.

Archana: Could you enlighten us on a significant advantage or compelling reason for individuals to opt for holistic healing for arthritis?
Dharna: Absolutely. One of the standout benefits of holistic healing for arthritis patients is its accessibility through distance healing. This means individuals can seek our services from anywhere in the world, connecting with us via call to receive the healing. This level of accessibility is incredibly convenient, particularly for those facing mobility issues due to arthritis or old age. Moreover, even if the patient is unable to communicate directly, their family members can initiate the healing sessions simply by providing us with a photograph and detailing the patient’s symptoms.

Dharna Vasavda - Holistic Healer in Arthritis, Ahmedabad, India
Dharna Vasavda - During one of the consultation session

Archana: That’s truly remarkable. Do you have any advice for our readers who are struggling with arthritis and might be interested in exploring holistic healing?
Dharna: Certainly! My first recommendation is to incorporate some form of body movement into your daily routine. This is especially important after the COVID-19 pandemic, as many people have transitioned to working from home, leading to more sedentary lifestyles. Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of your emotional patterns. Try to let go of any resentment or suppressed emotions like anger, and practice self-love. From a holistic perspective, these practices can be powerful preventive measures. If you’re already experiencing arthritis, I would recommend undergoing 15-20 healing sessions with me as a complementary treatment to your conventional medical care. I’m confident that the healing techniques I utilize can provide some relief and contribute to your overall well-being.

Archana: That’s incredibly insightful, Dharna. It’s clear that holistic healing offers a multifaceted approach to managing arthritis. For our readers experiencing this condition, your advice to address both the physical and emotional aspects is invaluable. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and expertise.
Dharna: You’re welcome, Archana. It’s been a pleasure discussing the potential of holistic healing for arthritis. Remember, while conventional medicine plays a crucial role, exploring complementary therapies can empower individuals to take charge of their well-being on a deeper level.

Schedule a consultation with dharna

If you are looking to consult with Dharna for healing purpose, then you can fill up this form with your concerns and we will get back to you as soon as possible to book your appointment with Dharna Vasavda.

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