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Chakra Healing – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

What is Chakra Healing?

As per the theosophy, there are energy centers in our energy body (known as ‘Chakras’ in the Sanskrit language) that are responsible for our psychological conditions. By manipulating the energy of these chakras, many psychological conditions can be healed. The art of manipulating the energy of the chakras using different healing modalities or therapies is known as Chakra healing. 

Chakra healing is a part of energy healing where different energy healing techniques are used to balance and align the chakras. We recommend reading the article on Energy Healing before going ahead. It will be easier to understand the concept of chakra healing.  Whenever we get sick, we often look at physical symptoms and take treatment to get rid of these symptoms. Once we get relief from all symptoms, we feel healthy and get back to our daily routine. This is what most of us do. We do this because we have been taught like this only and our minds are conditioned in this way only. We have not been taught to look into the inner body and look at the root cause.

Physical symptoms are just the effects that can be felt or observed by us but the root cause still remains untreated many times as western medicine is still not able to identify or accept the inner working of our system. When the inner condition remains untreated, it is resurfaced gradually either in the form of the same disease or in some other form of the disease. Therefore, a person needs to look into the inner system and undergo holistic treatment that works on the body, mind and soul level altogether for getting a permanent cure. Chakra healing and chakras balancing are the best way to heal our inner system.

Let’s try to understand our chakra system.


What are Chakras?

We all have an invisible body that is wrapped inside and outside of our physical body. This body is popularly known as an etheric body. It is also known with various names like energy body, inner body, bioplasmic body, subtle body, etc. This subtle body is not visible to the average person but the energy can be felt by healing practitioners via their palms. Although, there are some people with psychic abilities who can see the energy body with eyes. These people are known as a clairvoyant. As we have the anatomy of the physical body, we also have the anatomy of our energy body that has many chakras(also known as energy centers) and meridians (also known as “nadis” in India). Our energy body has many chakras but 7 chakras are considered as major chakras and they are the main gateway of energy for us. These 7 chakras govern the energy body. These chakras receive energy from the cosmos & our surroundings and then supply the energy to minor chakras & different meridians. Each chakra & meridian is also associated with our physical organ(s) that get life force energy for their proper functioning.

‘Chakra’ is a Sanskrit word which means ‘wheel’. When a clairvoyant sees the chakra from the front side, it is shown in a circular shape. Each chakra has its own consciousness and frequency. Each chakra rotates in a clockwise and anticlockwise manner. When it rotates anticlockwise, it does the cleaning of the chakra and when it rotates clockwise, it energizes the chakra. Depending on what environment and people we are surrounded with, we attract and absorb that energy into our energy system and act or behave accordingly. For example: If you are sitting in a bar, you will feel to drink and dance. If you are in the temple, you will feel relaxed and calm. Depending on what kind of energy we hold, we create a perception about the people, situations or the world and radiate the same energy into our surroundings by our thoughts, words, emotions & actions.

Each chakra is associated with a specific part(s) of our physical body. Chakra communicates with our physical body via 2 biological system i.e. endocrine glands and nervous system. Chakras are impacted by our thoughts, emotions and our environment. When chakras are affected by negative thoughts or emotions, chakras get partially ineffective because of an underactive or overactive state. Due to this, the corresponding gland is also affected. When the prana flow gets disrupted for any gland, the corresponding organ to the gland is unable to receive the life force which is required for the proper functioning. This is how disease manifests gradually at the physical level.

When the mind is full of stress, anxiety, fear, worry, etc., chakras are filled with negative energy that further creates blockages in meridians. These blockages and improper flow of energy in the meridians cause many psychological problems which further manifests as diseases in the physical body. When chakras are affected, our prosperity level and career growth also get affected. In nutshell, everything is energy and we are also energy beings.  Our good health, happiness, prosperity, spiritual development, etc rely on the energy condition of our various chakras.


Chakra Balancing

Healing chakras is not enough but chakras balancing is also required. It is important to understand that chakras lead our life. Our life is on auto-pilot mode for 98% of the time. If lower chakras are bigger and active than upper chakras, then our activities and habits will be based on lower emotions only and vice versa. For example, the Solar plexus chakra is the center of lower emotions like anger, frustration, stress, etc whereas heart chakra is the center of higher emotions like love, compassion, joy, forgiveness, etc. If the size of solar plexus is larger than the heart chakra, then it is evident that a person will be having more tendency to react with negative emotions in bad circumstances. That’s why heart chakra is required to be bigger than solar plexus chakra to have a peaceful and calm life. This can be done by chakras balancing. 

All chakras should be aligned and balanced to have a balanced life. Looking at the environment of the 21st century, balancing or moderation is the key to live a happy and healthy life.

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The chakras are like power stations. They generate energy for different areas and organs of the body.

Chakras are like pets. They have a consciousness of their own. The chakras must be controlled.

7 Chakras in Our Body

There are many chakras in our body which are responsible for our physical health and psychological health. They control and drive our life. Even each cell of our body is considered as chakra. Out of so many chakras, seven chakras are considered as major chakras. They govern our energy bodies including other minor chakras. Following is the list of 7 major chakras along with their physical and psychological functions:

1. Basic Chakra:

Responsible for:  Survival, Security, Needs, etc
Physical Organs Connected: sacrum, lower back, hips, legs, intestines, musculoskeletal system, etc
Associated gland: Reproductive glands
Psychological problems: depression, suicidal thoughts, procrastination, etc

2. Sacral/Sex Chakra

Responsible for: Sexuality, creativity
Physical Organs: Reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys, lumbar spine, sacrum, etc
Associated gland: Adrenal glands
Psychological problems: Sexual addiction, negative attitude towards sex

3. Heart Chakra:

Responsible for: Love, joy, understanding, Forgiveness.
Physical Connection: Lungs, heart, respiratory functions.
Associated gland: Thymus gland
Psychological problems: Lack of forgiveness, rigidity

4. Solar Plexus Chakra:

Responsible for: Lower will, hope, passion, self-regulation of power.
Physical Organs: Stomach, Gall bladder, pancreas, digestive system, etc
Associated gland: Pancreas
Psychological problems: feeling victimized, anger, hurriedness, etc

5. Throat Chakra:

Responsible for: Communication, High creativity
Physical Organs: Throat, vocal cords, neck, jaw, etc
Associated gland: Thyroid gland
Psychological problems: Addictions, excessive thinking, mental disorder

6. Ajna Chakra

Responsible for: Psychic ability, intuition, concentration, willpower
Physical Organs: eyes, nose, brain, ears
Associated gland: Pituitary gland
Psychological problems: low willpower, mental disorder

7. Crown Chakra

Responsible for: Psychic ability, intuition, wisdom, divine connection.
Physical Organs: upper brain, head, skull, nervous system
Associated gland: Pineal gland
Psychological problems: Confusion, mental illness

7 chakras in human body
7 Chakras of human

Each of the seven chakras is governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and well being in our lives and in the world.

Applications of Chakra Healing

Chakra healing or chakra balancing can be applied in the following areas:

a. Relationship Healing

With forgiveness therapy and healing chakras like heart and solar plexus, a person feels compassion towards others. With this, many cases of relationship and domestic violence can be resolved. Furthermore, healer guides a couple with some spiritual knowledge which they can bring in daily practice and can change their perception towards each other.

b. Managing stress

Stress is also an energy that is negative in nature. Stress energy can take shelter in any of the chakras and hence, thorough cleaning of the chakras and activating them can reduce stress energy to a great extent. This can help in preventing many disease to manifest in the physical body.

c. Managing psychological issues(mood swings, emotional imbalance)

When chakras are healed and balanced, a person becomes emotional balance and many psychological problems like mood swings, concentration issues, etc gets healed.

d. Physical health

When any disease is treated at the physical level but not at the root level or etheric level, the problems might resurface again. Many recurring physical problems like Kidney stones, gall bladder stones, piles, liver or prostate enlargement, etc are because of lack of forgiveness, chakras imbalance, etc. With a combination of chakra balancing and forgiveness therapy, all these health problems can be addressed.

e. Healing addiction

An Addiction includes very strong and stubborn negative entities which take time to get disintegrated. As these entities are negative beings, these entities can be removed with fresh prana. Many addictions like smoking addiction, alcohol or tobacco addiction, sexual addiction can be healed by healing and balancing chakras.

Reiki and Pranic Healing – Known Chakra Healing Modalities

Among many chakra healing modalities, Reiki and Pranic healing are two modalities that are very popular. Both Reiki and Pranic healing works on healing and balancing chakras but their healing techniques are different. Depending on the type or severity of the ailment, some healing techniques can be more effective or some can be less effective. While Reiki has it’s own consciousness to heal and balance chakra, Pranic healing requires healing protocols to heal and balance the chakras. In Pranic healing, balancing of chakras can be verified with advanced scanning techniques that are lacking in Reiki healing.

Other healing modalities also have a great impact on chakras indirectly.

Chakra Healing Courses

A person can opt for chakra healing courses like Reiki, Pranic healing to heal himself/herself and others. Every person should learn chakra healing and practice it on himself/herself and his/her family members. Chakra healing can be considered as preventive healing which can help you in avoiding any unforeseen diseases and circumstances in your life. Family relationships are also improved when healing is done for all family members. However, if a person is already having severe ailments like heart problems, high blood pressure, any infectious disease, it is recommended to first have healing treatment from healing experts and have some stability in health conditions before opting for courses. After this, a person can opt for healing courses and practice it.

We hope this article answers many questions on the chakra healing. If you have any questions or views on chakra healing, please feel free to contact us.

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Please note that healers listed with us are not medical doctors and hence, they can't interfere with the medical treatment of the patients. Patients are advised to consider Chakra healing or any other healing modality as a complimentary treatment rather than orthodox treatment.

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